Slendman... Oh shit I`m sorry, did I draw a crude face on you`re non-existing face with a FUCKING SHARPIE?!... Ah now you`re gonna run late to you`re business meeting, based on that suit you`re wearing... Jeff The Killer/Jane The Killer?... PFFFTTTT, and yet these two fight even though one is a gender bend of the other... But if you crave a smile on you`re face... Bruh... You must being really sad, to even do that... Why remove you`re eyelids, you dumbass? By doing that, in proxy you fucking are causing yourself to go blind...

Slendman... Oh shit I`m sorry, did I draw a crude face on you`re non-existing face with a FUCKING SHARPIE?!... Ah now you`re gonna run late to you`re business meeting, based on that suit you`re wearing... Jeff The Killer/Jane The Killer?... PFFFTTTT, and yet these two fight even though one is a gender bend of the other... But if you crave a smile on you`re face... Bruh... You must being really sad, to even do that... Why remove you`re eyelids, you dumbass? By doing that, in proxy you fucking are causing yourself to go blind...

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Description: -Terrie [Mental state: To tears] | Allern... The Irish fox...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Save...

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator