You fucking touch them or me... I will rip your small dick off and have you choke on it as I shove that petty knife far up your ass, which then I will rip all your teeth out to then break your spine and knees... Which then I'll leave you to bleed out... But more slowly than your "springlock" death... You fucking ugly purple son of a dead and still being milked fan-base...

You fucking touch them or me... I will rip your small dick off and have you choke on it as I shove that petty knife far up your ass, which then I will rip all your teeth out to then break your spine and knees... Which then I'll leave you to bleed out... But more slowly than your "springlock" death... You fucking ugly purple son of a dead and still being milked fan-base...

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Quick save, of nothingness...

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