oh... well fluff

oh... well fluff

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Description: [Drawn by Finx, Credit would be nice if used] {Xtale} Namuh- Lv: 21 | Hp: 0 | Atk: 989,898 | Def: 676,767 What seems to be a Human from the AU Xtale that wears a worn cloth over their eyes. It is unknown who exactly this human is, but they have a simular appearance as Chara or Frisk, along with their attacks, however... something about them is too diffrent from the two. They have the OVERWRITE ability as well, making them extremely dangerous. Namuh is the cause of an experiment where Xgaster tried to create a human soul using OVERWRITE. they are neither Human or Monster, meaning they can absorb any soul. after Editing the vessel enough, They looked human enough. however, their eyes somehow even made Xgaster feel uneasy. besdies that, they look perfectly normal, while also being able to see somehow. Xgaster dumped the vessel in a empty lab underneath the ground in Xtale, expecting them to dissapear. but Namuh was somehow able to get out and escape to another AU. They now wander AUs silent and stealthly, Not directly looking for revenge, but just looking for some friends. Themes (..does anyone even listen to these anyway?): Retaliation [Battle Theme]- https://soundcloud.com/frostfm/underverse-xgaster-1st-fight-theme-fanmade Changing Fate [Determined Theme]- https://soundcloud.com/dillzytante3/manoeuvre

CREATOR ID: 379d08
AGE: 2 years old

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