HorrorVerse: after a long time of Multi getting tortured and bullied, he had enough, he known about everyones pasts suddenly, so he went to Terror, took out his eyes, he went to Madness and made Madness stay all alone for a even longer time then before, he tortured Delete alot, when Madness got out of it, he wanted to infect someone with his INSANITY, then he remembered that Terror was powerful, and he would cause MAYHEM if he went fully insane, so he infected Terror after a long battle, due to him going insane, he grabbed delete, ripping out his bones and then constantly regenerating him, until he had enough bones to make a massive axe

HorrorVerse: after a long time of Multi getting tortured and bullied, he had enough, he known about everyones pasts suddenly, so he went to Terror, took out his eyes, he went to Madness and made Madness stay all alone for a even longer time then before, he tortured Delete alot, when Madness got out of it, he wanted to infect someone with his INSANITY, then he remembered that Terror was powerful, and he would cause MAYHEM if he went fully insane, so he infected Terror after a long battle, due to him going insane, he grabbed delete, ripping out his bones and then constantly regenerating him, until he had enough bones to make a massive axe

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CREATOR ID: e8cb42
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: MadVerse Terror (Strings Cut)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator