Heh, seems like the person that replicated me was fighting chara, well then good job clone.

Heh, seems like the person that replicated me was fighting chara, well then good job clone.

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Description: Made by MLGAllan65 My god how many times will i have to update this? Original by IsRei Stand Name: Bonerzone Stand Power: BAD TIME (better megalo: https://soundcloud.com/genitunes1/meanwhile-in-judgement-hall) Before you start editing and giving him a bad time eye just please don't, he isn't supposed to have 1 but if you really have to put it on the right side not the left, so he's bad time eye is on the opposite eye of he's stand.

CREATOR ID: c00062
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Heh, seems like you are 1 of those OP boyos, hey what about a sparring match WITHOUT the overpowerdness?

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