Now then, I'm going to get off this sprite, because BD hates me enough already. -T

Now then, I'm going to get off this sprite, because BD hates me enough already. -T

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Description: Redraw of the FNF Bf sprite in the Senpai battle. All credits to original sprite, redraw only. || Boarderline263 || If used, please credit original and me

CREATOR ID: 990543
VIEWS: 104
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: T here, that's because I used a Hex code finder, traced it DIRECTLY from the game, which is very popular, and yes, she did her own redraw of it, even if it WASN'T her own, mine is free to use WITHOUT Credit. I've stated this many times, so yes, Sayori, You are in fact, an idiot. -T

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