(Actually the lore behind underfell was after the human killed asgore and escaped the monsters of the underground became edgy and sharp killing echother and themselfs in a way.. scouting for another human to kill.. so before that when papyrus was a child.. he was still normal)

(Actually the lore behind underfell was after the human killed asgore and escaped the monsters of the underground became edgy and sharp killing echother and themselfs in a way.. scouting for another human to kill.. so before that when papyrus was a child.. he was still normal)

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Description: (Made by Just-Comic) (Desc: A Lazy Bonehead that likes puns, sleeping , honey, and his brother this took me almost 2 hours so no touchie against my permision)

CREATOR ID: a82578
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "... Wha?" *Presses the power button again confused* (It appears i have to go)

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