Cause something you guys should have noticed a long time ago is that I put [ ` ` ` ` ] <- That in the spot where it`s meant to be! Like that! It`s, just because the title can`t render the normal version unless you "view" it... And well holding shift while pressing that one makes it go from [ ` ] to [ ~ ]...

Cause something you guys should have noticed a long time ago is that I put [ ` ` ` ` ] <- That in the spot where it`s meant to be! Like that! It`s, just because the title can`t render the normal version unless you "view" it... And well holding shift while pressing that one makes it go from [ ` ] to [ ~ ]...

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Description: Justin, the man behind Terrie, Alern and many others, a gay 16 YEAR OLD suffering from many things, with barely any friends | Justin L. Orebaugh. - Allan. Nicknames: Joel, Terrie, Jon[John], Alern and Joe

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Justin L. Orebaugh. - Allan.

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AI Painting Generator