Nah, brah, it`s cool. I totally get tryna walk outta somewhere and then all up and unradically like...Having a late response. *he`d look up at the sky for a second when he said that. Is he talking to somebody else too, or?? He looked backed down.* But nice to meetcha, broski. I`m radically honored to be of your fine acquaintance. I`m BoarderFresh, but you can call me whatevs.

Nah, brah, it`s cool. I totally get tryna walk outta somewhere and then all up and unradically like...Having a late response. *he`d look up at the sky for a second when he said that. Is he talking to somebody else too, or?? He looked backed down.* But nice to meetcha, broski. I`m radically honored to be of your fine acquaintance. I`m BoarderFresh, but you can call me whatevs.

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Description: Classic BoarderFresh | Edited by Boarderline263 | HP: BRAH! | ATK: Bruh. | DEF: Radical. | *It's Boarder, but....Brighter. And....Weirder. | G: 32

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Boarder!Fresh

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