-gaster walks over to a watery area- yeah i know your here, you hide your face alot you know, i dont even know who you are.. but uh... next time you see my children, maybe you can help them... you know, beat the player, -gaster was hiding something that he knew- but uh.. ill see you later old friend...

-gaster walks over to a watery area- yeah i know your here, you hide your face alot you know, i dont even know who you are.. but uh... next time you see my children, maybe you can help them... you know, beat the player, -gaster was hiding something that he knew- but uh.. ill see you later old friend...

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Description: Swap! Gaster Sprite Credit to: Geekazoid hes the coolest guy I know, hes so good at sprites and i just wanted to say that he might need love and support at hard trials so help him, i will do so aswell,

CREATOR ID: 2fbf6b
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: (Save)}SE!Gaster

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator