((repost))((could you maybe add me breaking a hile through the wall instead?((by that i mean im outisde and theres a hole in the wall and i have a chaos buster with th top of a gaster blaster please?)) also sorry if the chaos blaster will be to hard to draw im fine with it.just a request.-rainbowfox2011

((repost))((could you maybe add me breaking a hile through the wall instead?((by that i mean im outisde and theres a hole in the wall and i have a chaos buster with th top of a gaster blaster please?)) also sorry if the chaos blaster will be to hard to draw im fine with it.just a request.-rainbowfox2011

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Description: [ Credit to grim for the sprite. ]

CREATOR ID: 401102
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: ( I am gonna do two PAMily photo's, first one is with everyone neat and tidy. Second one is where TheInkDemon and Anau fight, Demented hides, Comic tries to get out of there. Rainbowfox2011 peeks out the window, the ladder Drone will be on will fall. And the rest of people will be tearing each other apart. )

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