Jero, look in my description.

Jero, look in my description.

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Description: time to defend my best friend. First off, what the hell. if this was a boxing match, you'd get a fucking fowl right off the bat. that's literally just not okay. Additionally, arachnid IS real. I've seen his face before, and he's as real as it gets. Anau's not an orphan thug, he lives with his mom, and occasionally goes over to his dad's house. Jero, all of your points are proven wrong, LITERALLY BY ME JUST BEING THIS CLOSE OF A FRIEND OF HIS. also, adding onto what I said at the beginning, Just like arachnid, I've seen his dog, and he was the happiest pupperino I've seen. you wouldn't know that, of course. because the only real relationships you've had are with a cat that PROBABLY just cares about being fed, and spike, who had your friendship ruined just by you not having an ounce of self-control. also, trying to tell people to drown in their families blood? Really? you really are edgy. So, finally. you're a dickhead. that's the bluntest I can put it, because if I were to say any more, I would call you a DICK-SUCKING, DIRT-EATING, BRAINDEAD JACKASS, but I've got self-control, unlike you, and won't do that. Don't insult people who are better than you, Jero, because that's what you've always done. Fuck you.

CREATOR ID: 2bf2d8
VIEWS: 207
AGE: 1 year old

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