For the next couple days I`ll stop in to save my sprites and port them to Discord to always be saved, so I might pop in and chat. But I won`t be on nearly as much. I`ll come less and less, to ease into the feeling of me not being here, that way I`m not just suddenly gone. Sides...I got some roleplay I gotta finish. But yeah.....Less and less, until I say my final goodbyes.

For the next couple days I`ll stop in to save my sprites and port them to Discord to always be saved, so I might pop in and chat. But I won`t be on nearly as much. I`ll come less and less, to ease into the feeling of me not being here, that way I`m not just suddenly gone. Sides...I got some roleplay I gotta finish. But yeah.....Less and less, until I say my final goodbyes.

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Description: Final goodbyes, PAM. I don't need this place anymore.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Rewind [Boarderline263]

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator