I ogot a two hour delay, and yet me damn parents didn`t bother to try to wake me up at six... To give me time, to do my own things... So, I fucking can`t stick around for very long cause of it...

I ogot a two hour delay, and yet me damn parents didn`t bother to try to wake me up at six... To give me time, to do my own things... So, I fucking can`t stick around for very long cause of it...

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Description: -Terrie | Redrew [One of]: https://www.deviantart.com/picnickingdom/art/Me-and-my-debt-collectors-ocs-793849454 | Duncan - AU: CCT!ArraTale | HP: 750 - DEF: 95,000 - SPD: 800 - ATK: 5 | He`s very creepy, for no reason... He oddly loves to do self harm without managing to actually "hurt" himself, doing it... | His vision is heavily limited and he acts very scary for no reason... His voice is monochrome yet also monotone and it doesn't change pitch or tune... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuVh2O8o3Ww

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Palette, save...

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