Chakra Sentai Tenshi Man Morphers

Chakra Sentai Tenshi Man Morphers

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Description: My fan series! Yay! Chakra Sentai Tenshi Man: July 8th 1962 eight star children destined for greatness arrive at the United Nations Secret Base in Kyoto after their parents are killed by the Black Heart Empire in a purposely staged attack. 26 years later, a now adult squadron have discovered the power of the chakras and are ready to take on the Black Heart Empire and it's emperor. The Great Black Demon King... This is the red (Fire) five's morphing device or chakra fuser. In the top one is their spirit gem, and the bottom is the reactor. To get this to work you should, 1: Put your left arm in front of you and bend the fore arm up to the head while making a fist. 2: Then fold your right arm to your left wrist and say "Aura changer!" 3: Finally throw both hands together in the air then shout "Invoke!" This will cause the aura fuser to activate. 4: Hold both arms out wide and relax, you've done it! This is the first in a series. Stay tuned!

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 156
AGE: 7 years old

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