did you kin ysfor you, thereforeyheht is cns cheh means cheh meas ce ilie, just like this sponser, raid show le- im joking, or am i? or are you in a deep amoc? on on, you are delusional, whats delusional? somethinsional, whats delusional? somethinsional, whats delusio subject from the government which means cheh means cheh means cheese is a lie, just like this sponser, raid show le- im joking, or am i? or are you in a deep amoc? on on, you are delusional, whats delusional? somethinsional, ats delusional? somethihnap g thmt, herefore, you ausional, you he gone mad, meaning you are actually in a void, voids are big open spaces that lead to Ohio, whats Ohio? an Ohio is a creature that imitates a country but it actually is a gateway to hell, whats hell? goverment, government bad, anarchy good, ad, anarchy good, ad, anarchy good, anarchy? anarchy is heaven

did you kin ysfor you, thereforeyheht is cns cheh means cheh meas ce ilie, just like this sponser, raid show le- im joking, or am i? or are you in a deep amoc? on on, you are delusional, whats delusional? somethinsional, whats delusional? somethinsional, whats delusio subject from the government which means cheh means cheh means cheese is a lie, just like this sponser, raid show le- im joking, or am i? or are you in a deep amoc? on on, you are delusional, whats delusional? somethinsional, ats delusional? somethihnap g thmt, herefore, you ausional, you he gone mad, meaning you are actually in a void, voids are big open spaces that lead to Ohio, whats Ohio? an Ohio is a creature that imitates a country but it actually is a gateway to hell, whats hell? goverment, government bad, anarchy good, ad, anarchy good, ad, anarchy good, anarchy? anarchy is heaven

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CREATOR ID: 57dac4
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: when you try to make your brother new blasters but you end up genetically mutating him into a blaster by accident:

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