A cop pulled his gun on a man who was suspected of stealing Mentos. The man tried to explain to the law officer that they had paid for the Mentos, but the officer wouldn`t believe him. Eventually, the cashier stepped in and confirmed that he had indeed bought the Mentos. It doesn`t matter if they were stealing Mentos or not! That isn`t worthy of unholstering and aiming a gun! Now, if they were stealing Mentos AND Diet Coke, than maybe. That`s a potential bomb threat, but... uh... if these guys will pull out their guns for stealing Mentos, they`ll pull out their guns for anything. Even when he goes home after work, he`s probably like "Honey, what`s for dinner? WHOA WHOA WHOA, OPEN THE OVEN, NICE AND SLOW! NICE AND SLOW! PUT THE MEATLOAF WHERE I CAN SEE IT! Now, give me a kiss-NO TONGUE, NO TONGUE!"

A cop pulled his gun on a man who was suspected of stealing Mentos. The man tried to explain to the law officer that they had paid for the Mentos, but the officer wouldn`t believe him. Eventually, the cashier stepped in and confirmed that he had indeed bought the Mentos. It doesn`t matter if they were stealing Mentos or not! That isn`t worthy of unholstering and aiming a gun! Now, if they were stealing Mentos AND Diet Coke, than maybe. That`s a potential bomb threat, but... uh... if these guys will pull out their guns for stealing Mentos, they`ll pull out their guns for anything. Even when he goes home after work, he`s probably like "Honey, what`s for dinner? WHOA WHOA WHOA, OPEN THE OVEN, NICE AND SLOW! NICE AND SLOW! PUT THE MEATLOAF WHERE I CAN SEE IT! Now, give me a kiss-NO TONGUE, NO TONGUE!"

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Description: Please just address me as "Hermann."

CREATOR ID: 67b59a
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "AlRiGhT eVeRyOnE, iT`s TaX tImE!!!!!111 sHoUlD i PaY aLl My TaXeS lIkE a GoOd TaX-pAyInG cI`iZeN, oR eVaDe My TaXeS aNd SaVe AlL mY mOnAaYyYy?!?!?" -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

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