Dustdust!fell Sans {By Felledfell Sans}

Dustdust!fell Sans {By Felledfell Sans}

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Description: {You'd walk down the hall to see it in darkness} {You'd see a figure glaring at you} *sup* *you've been doin' alot of killing huh* *oh wait I totally forgot* *I HAVE KILLED THEM ALL FOR YA* *...* *obviously you know I aint as forgiving just like this world is* *you should know you can't come down here and mercilessly slaughter us all again* *but here's also something what I want you to know...* {San'ses eye's would glare at you} *YOU WILL BE ON THE FLOOR WITH YOU IN NOTHING BUT BLOOD* {You'd enter the fight} *it's an awful day today* *monster's are being slaughtered* *children are growing in there own blood and tear's* *on day's like these wanted killer's like us...* *s.h.o.u.l.d b.u.r.n i.n t.h.e i.n.f.e.r.n.o f.o.r a.n e.n.t.e.r.n.i.t.y* {After first attack} *heh heh heh* *well let's cut all of this and get right down to the point...* *where you will burn forverver* {Dustdust!fell Sans's theme would play in the background} *Act* *Check* *Sans* *??? atk ??? df* *Is the demon who will now haunt us for an eternity* {Text would turn red} *let's show this pathetic comedian who is in control =)* *Fight* *1 Damdege* *what?* *Im not going to obviously get killed in one hit, you moron* {Attack's} {Sans would feel his own sin's haunting and crawling down him} End of dialogue my dude's {To let you guy's be aware I am A.R.G but I changed it to Felledfell Sans for some reason so just to let you know I will as usual credit people for whoever made this} Editor:Felledfell Sans Dialouge:Felledfell Sans Original Creator:???

CREATOR ID: bbaccc
VIEWS: 327
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: dustfell sans

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