And for real... I don`t give a shit on what any of you have to say, I`m NOT, looking at the damn gallery, just saying what I wanna say..... After all, I`m just the replacement for Allan, anyway..... So fuck it!..... And you people should know that this is a "Not secure", site and thus anything could happen and no one would really know..... And you people still whine for some mods cause of a damn troller when they aren`t gonna do anything it`s freedom of speech, and freedom of expression... You make pixel art, be it for whatever reason, or whatever means...... After all the damn mods, and creator of this damn site didn`t expect it to be used to roleplay after all...

And for real... I don`t give a shit on what any of you have to say, I`m NOT, looking at the damn gallery, just saying what I wanna say..... After all, I`m just the replacement for Allan, anyway..... So fuck it!..... And you people should know that this is a "Not secure", site and thus anything could happen and no one would really know..... And you people still whine for some mods cause of a damn troller when they aren`t gonna do anything it`s freedom of speech, and freedom of expression... You make pixel art, be it for whatever reason, or whatever means...... After all the damn mods, and creator of this damn site didn`t expect it to be used to roleplay after all...

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Description: Allan [Terrie]; Age: 18; Height: 8' 4; Weight: 40 kg; A dog-dragon hybrid with a feather'd tail, wished he was a cat instead; He's Swedish | Anti-Copy: Goopi made this |

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: That chat has slowed fucking massively, just outta nowhere. So I'm gonna just edit some of the sprites I have.

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator