If we're being honest... I'm decent at making the human body. I've studied Manga for years, so like... I picked up the details there. But my problems start with the size. I'm obsessed with making small sprites. People like SAL allow themselves to expand into their canvas, letting them add more detail... my opinion anyways...

If we're being honest... I'm decent at making the human body. I've studied Manga for years, so like... I picked up the details there. But my problems start with the size. I'm obsessed with making small sprites. People like SAL allow themselves to expand into their canvas, letting them add more detail... my opinion anyways...

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Description: Credit to P0ngy | Shading by Gunther | Do not edit without permission. |

CREATOR ID: 9c272c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Aye, no problem Jim.

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AI Painting Generator