Springrat-Ok see ya tomorrow Dst good day/night

Springrat-Ok see ya tomorrow Dst good day/night

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Description: Sylvia Lv:100 Hp:394 Defense: 251 Sp. Atk: 350 Sp. Def:394 Attack:251 Speed:240 Moves:Attract,Dazzling Gleam,Draining Kiss,and Charm Ability:Pixilate Age:18 Sexuality:Pansexual IQ:190 Personality:Shes kind,caring,sweet,responsible,loveful,has trust issues Undertale Stats: Lv:1 Hp:50 Df:30 At:10 Sp:20 Items Weapon:Dagger Armor:Special Bow Glacia Lv:100 Hp:334 Defense:350 Sp. Atk:394 Sp. Def:317 Attack:240 Speed:251 Age:17/18 Moves:Frost Breath,Avalanche,Water Pulse,and Quick Attack Ability:Ice Body Sexuality:Bisexual IQ:230 Personality:Shes,cold,a total tsundere,she care deeply about Sylvia,same as her sister though she has trust issues Undertale Stats: Lv:5 Hp:80 Df:60 At:30 Sp:30 Items Weapon:Pen Armor:Never melt ice Backstories: a pair of Eevee twins that were experimented by Team Rocket to be more human like as severnats they broke free from their control and thus created these sisters they never leave each others sides no matter what Sprite made by:Springrat and DST Sprite used by:Springrat DO NOT STEAL OR YOU WILL BE IN TROUBLE IF YOU WANT TO USE IT ASK SPRINGRAT OR DST!!!

CREATOR ID: 63d19a
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Springrat-Sylvia and Glacia

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