"Friends are coming someday", I said Fame hits Gained some, dummy I am, lost them Oh, s**t All alone I ponder, wonder if I'm ever gonna find some Never thought it could get harder, happens when your evil "Hello, can I be your friend-O?" "Adam, you're great, you f**king make me want to explode!" "Hey, since I got you, shout me out and then help me grow" "Wait, what the f**k did you just tell me f**king heck no? B**ch, go!" "Hello, can I be your friend-O?" Everybody looking at me making this joke I'm getting sick of it, I think I'm going mental Can't even make some friends who sinking in the same boat Ah, no! HELP!-somethingelseYT

 "Friends are coming someday", I said Fame hits Gained some, dummy I am, lost them Oh, s**t All alone I ponder, wonder if I'm ever gonna find some Never thought it could get harder, happens when your evil "Hello, can I be your friend-O?" "Adam, you're great, you f**king make me want to explode!" "Hey, since I got you, shout me out and then help me grow" "Wait, what the f**k did you just tell me f**king heck no? B**ch, go!" "Hello, can I be your friend-O?" Everybody looking at me making this joke I'm getting sick of it, I think I'm going mental Can't even make some friends who sinking in the same boat Ah, no! HELP!-somethingelseYT

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CREATOR ID: 401102
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: ((IM NOT DONE))I'm just an artist astonished by all the offers that coming But if I'm honest, now harder to start a fucking convo Am I having fun? Yes, but, damn, I'm also not Jeez, people going on and thinking that fames nothing but ducking problems Assuming some wealth, but they summon dozens of crummy demons They done and gon' f**k themselves as they come up screaming-somethingelseYT

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