Why are you even here? Are you here to protect me? Or is this an elaborate scheme to remind me of my past during my every waking moment. I wouldn't hold it past him.

Why are you even here? Are you here to protect me? Or is this an elaborate scheme to remind me of my past during my every waking moment. I wouldn't hold it past him.

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Description: Chara Dreemurr | Age: 17 | Gender: Female | Pronouns: She/Her | Weapon: None| LV. 20 | A young mistress who made a lot of mistakes in her life. She wants to change it, and right all her wrongs. She will refuse to fight, even after being attacked. | Sprite Made and Used by T. | Can you use? No. The answer is always no. |

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Chara Sheet -T

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator