[Era 6. Betty Era] The Betty era starts off with Infinite, the bounty hunter. Infinite gets destroyed the first time of his life, and his employer, Bete Noire or Betty Noir as she likes, tells him he's getting close to learning something she shouldn't. So Infinite digs deeper and finds out about being T's twin brother, and Shadow T was made to replace all of T's good memories with Infinite with negative ones with Shadow T. As such, they team up to fight Betty and Akumu, ending this Era. But Betty doesn't stay down.

[Era 6. Betty Era] The Betty era starts off with Infinite, the bounty hunter. Infinite gets destroyed the first time of his life, and his employer, Bete Noire or Betty Noir as she likes, tells him he's getting close to learning something she shouldn't. So Infinite digs deeper and finds out about being T's twin brother,  and Shadow T was made to replace all of T's good memories with Infinite with negative ones with Shadow T. As such, they team up to fight Betty and Akumu, ending this Era. But Betty doesn't stay down.

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Description: A nice guy that greets everyone that he meets. Once a very hated certain Orange and Blue person.I'm changing myself, however to be better, and less hated hopefully, cause nobody cared when I "Left" Sorry bout that rant, He has the same basic abilities as Ink. However he makes people happy instead of protecting the universe. Credits to Warrior for the original sprite.

CREATOR ID: f455be
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: [Era 6. Betty Era] The Betty era starts off with Infinite, the bounty hunter. Infinite gets destroyed the first time of his life, and his employer, Bete Noire or Betty Noir as she likes, tells him he's getting close to learning something she shouldn't. So Infinite digs deeper and finds out about being T's twin brother, and Shadow T was made to replace all of T's good memories with Infinite with negative ones with Shadow T. As such, they team up to fight Betty and Akumu, ending this Era. But Betty doesn't stay down.

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