*(The defense moved quickly to protect the single tower, but a crash-landing ship would demolish the tower.) -Demented

*(The defense moved quickly to protect the single tower, but a crash-landing ship would demolish the tower.) -Demented

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Description: After the destruction of a terraformed moon and the invasion of a major civilization finally brings an end to a 68 yearlong streak of no war after the confederacy of the Galaxies' other major systems agreed to not start a conflict. With millions upon millions dead, every system scrambles to get its military up and ready in case its system is invaded. Controversy spreads and the confederacy accuses each other of being the one who started, meanwhile other systems receive minor attacks seemingly at random times. Casualties: 1,374,296,580. -Darth Dancing Skeleton. Do not use.

CREATOR ID: df4112
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Devastation. -Demented

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