Okay, but seriously. Can you two stop? Some of us have reached a point where we don't care how many characters Justin plays, we've grown used to it. There's really no need to keep arguing about this. It's just wasting time for both of you.

Okay, but seriously. Can you two stop? Some of us have reached a point where we don't care how many characters Justin plays, we've grown used to it. There's really no need to keep arguing about this. It's just wasting time for both of you.

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Description: | Name: Chris Deadman | Age: 19 | Species: Human | LV: 1 | HP: 15 | ATK: 10 | DEF: 10 | Quiet, analytical, not very expressive, confirmed psychopath | Asexual, panromantic | Nothing special, really. But maybe he'll be worth something to someone. | \\Lovely sprite made by the equally lovely Derp!\\

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: -Two appeared and neither of them seem any weaker-

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