*after watching all these Exes and Jumpmen walk around casually* ... -Tazmaine

*after watching all these Exes and Jumpmen walk around casually* ... -Tazmaine

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Description: Name: Tazmaine Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight and Asexual (as in doesn't care for sexual stuff) Origin: A cosmic entity composed of plasma that went on a rampage eons ago, destroying countless planets until put into a death like sleep. Eventually when discovered in a desert and struck by lightning he came back to life with a change of heart and without memory. Why does he look so weird: He is a stone ball coated in plasma, ofc he looks weird. Fun Fact: he came into existence for no reason in the middle of space. He also lacks a soul. Powers: Flight, Teleportation, manipulation of certain plasmas and electricity. Regeneration, shapeshifting to an extent, and absorbing energy (can not absorb void, qi, magic, or cosmic energy). Fears: The Void, Cosmic entities (most Alphas and Celestials), human skeletons, space, and regaining his memory. Has (two) remaining speed potions from a bruddah. Stored Chaos: 15% Stored Plasma: ∞ Stored Electricity: ∞ Stored [Expunged] : 2%

CREATOR ID: 545c1c
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Yes Lexi, but plz no. AFK

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