Like damn... You people gotta stop getting SO DEEPLY immersed into, your games or you`ll never, bother to think outside the human mind box, to see the most basic shit, and simple answers... Like what I basically said... Monika... Yeah, she fucks around with the game to get YOU, the player to love her... But in the end... The game devs, MADE, her do that... They CODED, her to do those things, in the first place... In fact if she DID, actually have control over the game... She actually WOULD, have made that ending, but her coding didn`t let her...

Like damn... You people gotta stop getting SO DEEPLY immersed into, your games or you`ll never, bother to think outside the human mind box, to see the most basic shit, and simple answers... Like what I basically said... Monika... Yeah, she fucks around with the game to get YOU, the player to love her... But in the end... The game devs, MADE, her do that... They CODED, her to do those things, in the first place... In fact if she DID, actually have control over the game... She actually WOULD, have made that ending, but her coding didn`t let her...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Save...

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