Canon!DustHorror Sans Battle Sprite Colored

Canon!DustHorror Sans Battle Sprite Colored

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Description: A dusttale route But after sans 'succeeded' he found out he still wasnt determined enough to RESET And was therefore stuck in a world of his own making With scarce monsters around And eventually The core lost power And sans lost his mind Sans spends most of his time making hand puppets of everyone he killed His huge crack on his head is due to him hitting his head constantly to release stress (You see this a lot in mental facilities) He also kills anything that moves He is also EXTREMELY strong at this point because he has killed lots of human kids I made this because I'm tired of seeing 'Horrordust' Because horrordust is an impossible au

CREATOR ID: 117710
VIEWS: 105
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Canon!DustHorror Sans Battle Sprite Colored

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AI Painting Generator