Rings Short (sorry it took so long) By Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

Rings Short (sorry it took so long) By Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

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Description: What's up? My name is David, I'm pretty sure that you know I'm the doofus of the family. I'm glad Lindsey's home, now I can try to get her to do that dare I wanted her to do before she left for the first time. The dare was that she'd had to play a horror game, I wanted her to do one because she hates horror games and she gets scared by them easily. From that I think you know I like to mess with everyone. My favorite person to mess with is Mark, the reason is because he isn't any fun and that he's way to into researching pokemon. I mean take a break sometimes for crying out loud! Mom's been kind of down ever since dad died, even though he's been gone for like 7 years now. What was I talking about now? Oh yeah, right. My best buddy is Dewott, I've had him before we moved and we've been best buds ever since. We do everything together, our favorite thing to do is swim. Hey even though I like to play virtual games doesn't mean I don't like doing other crap. I only have one pokemon which is Dewott, it's weird to think that Lindsey has robot legs, I want her to do a robot dance. I think as my family as certain things, Lindsey the robot, Mark the boring researcher, Sylvia the quiet girl, and mama the champion, because she was a champion in another area, but since we moved she isn't any more, she had someone else take over. Welp now I have to go, me and Dewott has a fighting game to get to.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 273
AGE: 6 years old

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