I am positive that the game `Project Winter` takes place in France. Firstly, a region of the map is known as "Normandy Gulch." Normandy Gulch, or the `Normandy` part of it, at least, is a region in France. Secondly, there are several bunkers in the map. In 1943, during the construction of the Atlantikwall by Erwin Rommel, several dig-outs, or bunkers known as "Widerstandsnester" (resistance nests) were established as part of the defences for an anticipated Allied invasion. Lastly, the game`s developers are situated in Newfoundland and Labrador, which is a primarily French-speaking region of Canada.

I am positive that the game `Project Winter` takes place in France. Firstly, a region of the map is known as "Normandy Gulch." Normandy Gulch, or the `Normandy` part of it, at least, is a region in France. Secondly, there are several bunkers in the map. In 1943, during the construction of the Atlantikwall by Erwin Rommel, several dig-outs, or bunkers known as "Widerstandsnester" (resistance nests) were established as part of the defences for an anticipated Allied invasion. Lastly, the game`s developers are situated in Newfoundland and Labrador, which is a primarily French-speaking region of Canada.

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Description: https://pixelartmaker.fandom.com/wiki/User:MrTroublemeyer

CREATOR ID: 9bdd95
AGE: 3 years old

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