My name is Nashitochi Aioma. You can call me Nashi or RB. Do not ask what RB stands for, I will share when I am ready. This slime represents myself. The pastel represents my naturally good hearted nature, but the look of it represents how I sometimes lash out. I am sorry that I am rude. All I can say is that I am not perfect and I do not strive to be. I shall let it be your choice whether you accept me into PAM or not. And I will respect your choice.

My name is Nashitochi Aioma. You can call me Nashi or RB. Do not ask what RB stands for, I will share when I am ready. This slime represents myself. The pastel represents my naturally good hearted nature, but the look of it represents how I sometimes lash out. I am sorry that I am rude. All  I can say is that I am not perfect and I do not strive to be. I shall let it be your choice whether you accept me into PAM or not. And I will respect your choice.

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Description: Nashitcohi Aioma | No gender, no age. Just see through slime. | Ask anything you need to know. | This was made by me. Do not claim. Not that anybody would want to.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: description update (thanks RB!) -TomKat

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