Luna what is your Roblox user?

Luna what is your Roblox user?

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Description: [Everything here was drawn by Me, Ateolous] The Friendship Gang! Finx | Lv: 25 | HP: 75,000 | Atk.M: 210,000 | Def.M | 750,000 | Atk.P: 55,000 | Def.P | 500,000. Magic Type- Arcane [Teal] Ability: Ability Copy Class: Defensive Arcane Mage Finx, the leader of the group, is a Redish-Orange ArkFox who wears a Scarf and Robe with a Question mark on it. They claim it to be called the "Wonder Cloak", Given to them by their father Needle. They're a kind soul who enjoys fighting, but only in a playful training matter, they don't enjoy serious fights, but will take them on if needed. Xfin | Lv: 25 | HP: 55,000 | Atk.M: 750,000 | Def.M: 210,000 | Atk.P: 666,000 | Def.P: 210,000. Magic Type: Arcane [Purple] Ability: [???], Ghost Form Class: Offensive Arcane Rouge-Mage Xfin, Finx's Soulbound Best friend, is a Grey ArkFolf who wears a Black Hoodie. They're a tad bit mean, but slowly learning to do better with Finx's support. They can turn into a ghost at will, Negating any Physical type of damage. However, this ability is only a side effect to Finx and Xfin's Bonded Souls, their actual Ability is unknown for now. While they do enjoy fighting in any sense, they know when to draw back and let Finx do the talking. [Quilt & Cyark are still a WIP, Other characters of mine may be coming soon]

CREATOR ID: 379d08
AGE: 1 year old

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