OH YEA! about pam; So a UPDATE event happend. there was a message at the top of OLDPAM and it said something about them making changes and EVERYONE WAS LOSING THEIR WAH and then the first update was CHANNELS and the second one was MORE SPACE and LOTTA UPDATES AND THEN IT CHNAGED ALOT ALOT

OH YEA! about pam; So a UPDATE event happend. there was a message at the top of OLDPAM and it said something about them making changes and EVERYONE WAS LOSING THEIR WAH and then the first update was CHANNELS and the second one was MORE SPACE and LOTTA UPDATES AND THEN IT CHNAGED ALOT ALOT

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Description: [Yet To Be Named], Lv: Unknown- Atk: 25,000 Def: 25,000. A Creature from the Void, talking the figure of... an unknown animal. Coming from the void has its perks, one of them being amazing stats. Though the creature would be dangerous to fight, they are actually very docile. Their abilities, Name and family; All unknown... [Theme: {Placeholder} ]

CREATOR ID: a34ade
AGE: 3 years old

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AI Painting Generator