-And Allan is very confused why he is suddenly unable to drag the OG Terrie down the "Dead PAMers" so he just kicks him down since kicking doesn't count-

-And Allan is very confused why he is suddenly unable to drag the OG Terrie down the "Dead PAMers" so he just kicks him down since kicking doesn't count-

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Description: (Justin) T???e; Age: ??; Height: ????; Weight: ?? kg; A Dog? with a ???????? tail; He's also ??????; He`s g?y; And taken... | Yes it's dead... |Anti-Copy: Goopi is gone | Goopi: ... | [Terrie: ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPD: 0 | LV: 0 | Is a complete shithead and i cannot believe anyone likes him i am glad he is dead and is gonna be replaced with someone else]

CREATOR ID: beac31
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: -And so, Allan with no remorse whatsoever and feeling literally nothing for Terrie because of the heartless monster he is throws all the Terries down the "Dead PAMers"

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