In the first age. In the first battle. When the shadows first lengthened. One stood. He chose the path of perpetual torment, in his ravenous hatred he found no peace and with boiling blood he scoured the embral planes seeking vengeance against the dark lords who wronged him, and the challengers who tasted his sword named him, the doomslayer.

 In the first age. In the first battle. When the shadows first lengthened. One stood. He chose the path of perpetual torment, in his ravenous hatred he found no peace and with boiling blood he scoured the embral planes seeking vengeance against the dark lords who wronged him, and the challengers who tasted his sword named him, the doomslayer.

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Description: scarecrow with sprites of his fav game doom also my discord is Garfield#2459

CREATOR ID: 980ccf
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: (save)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator