There was a small group of Hitlerjugend who regularly listened to American Swing music during the 1930s-1940s, despite it being banned in Germany. They would often yell "Swing heil" instead of "Sieg heil," and thus were given the name "Swingjugend," or Swing Youth. Some of them had loose ties to the White Rose. Despite merely passively resisting, they were considered a major threat and, Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, even wrote a memorandum condemning the Swing Youth and warning the police about "young people who ignored German culture and preferred jazz music and swing dance." Himmler ordered the police to arrest the Swing Youth ringleaders, male and female, as well as any teachers who supported them, and send them to concentration camps. Source: Bartoletti, Susan Campbell.: Hitler Youth. Growing Up in Hitler`s Shadow. Scholastic, 557 Broadway, New York, NY. 2005, p.112.

There was a small group of Hitlerjugend who regularly listened to American Swing music during the 1930s-1940s, despite it being banned in Germany. They would often yell "Swing heil" instead of "Sieg heil," and thus were given the name "Swingjugend," or Swing Youth. Some of them had loose ties to the White Rose. Despite merely passively resisting, they were considered a major threat and, Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, even wrote a memorandum condemning the Swing Youth and warning the police about "young people who ignored German culture and preferred jazz music and swing dance." Himmler ordered the police to arrest the Swing Youth ringleaders, male and female, as well as any teachers who supported them, and send them to concentration camps. Source: Bartoletti, Susan Campbell.: Hitler Youth. Growing Up in Hitler`s Shadow. Scholastic, 557 Broadway, New York, NY. 2005, p.112.

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