dude i made the sprite not you(btw im nobody!sans)

dude i made the sprite not you(btw im nobody!sans)

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Description: Sprite made by SternwardDrop Creator (my take of dialogue):A Random Gezzer Credit to the Original Creator SternwardDrop Dialogue *you see papyrus in the hall* *the hall would be bathed in blood but you still feel brave enough to continue foward* *you'd see papyrus* *...* *so your that kid* *the one who fell down here and spared us all from our insanity* *and freeded us from our bloodshed* *...* *y'know you can't just come to a desolate land like this and ruin our culture* *but uh you've already knew that* *so can I AXE ya a question* *...* *w h y ?* *....* *you do realise on how brutal and violent this land is right?* *all of us are nothing but savage-insane animal's* *Who want you torn apart and eaten alive* *but anyway's let's get this over with* *soon i'll have alot of limb's* *and set all of this right with a soul* *fight begin's* *It's a disgusting day outside* *bird's are eaten flower's are filtering* *on day's like these kid's like you..* *should be amputated with my meal* *doe's an insane 1st attack* *well here we go* Fight-Act-Item-Mercy *Act* *Check* *Papyrus 20 atk 20 df* *Is the real cannible here* *please don't kill him there's still hope to save him* *Spare* *Kiddo this land is merciless and savage* *We all only want you dead and eaten up* *Attack's* *Sins would be chomping you down* (end of my dialogue cya later boi's :) )

CREATOR ID: 995898
AGE: 4 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator