Red Battle Sprite

Red Battle Sprite

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Description: My StoryFell OC Battle Sprite. Nickname: Red Real Name: Ein Vladir Fav Food: Tortellini with mustard on it Fav Drink: a cup of Hot Sauce with Mustard in it. Crush: (I'm not saying it because of a good reason I will not tell.) Boss/Bosses: Fell!Void, Fell!Virus, SwapFell!Code Abilities: Destroying Multiverses, killing, fighting, Leveling Cities, giving MAD times and having GREAT times. Fav thing to do: being with Killer!Code, Horror!Code, NIGHTMARE!Code, Bill!Code, Dust!Code, ERROR!Code, Xode, and more. Bio: Red is a edgymcmychemicalromance that won't stop once he's had "enough". He'll keep killing, keep doing sh*t and never stop. Lines: "Shut the f*ck up classic, you don't even know how I was raised. Now tell me you DIDN'T deserve what they did to you." "SHUT UP!!!" "S-Sorry B-B-Boss..." "F*ck this I'm outta here!" "tch...F*CK THIS!!"

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 217
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: UnderFell - Sans Battle Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator