It affects that to everyone, just depends how many you killed. If someone mentally unstable, saaaay... some really shy person and they killed someone. They would feel a lot of pain, burst into tears and never do it again. Or a mentally strong person, who has killed many and almost seems the same even though they are a higher level than the shy person who killed someone, they are more themself than the shy person was after they killed. Different creatures have different limits, for some the limit is low, others the limit is high.

It affects that to everyone, just depends how many you killed. If someone mentally unstable, saaaay... some really shy person and they killed someone. They would feel a lot of pain, burst into tears and never do it again. Or a mentally strong person, who has killed many and almost seems the same even though they are a higher level than the shy person who killed someone, they are more themself than the shy person was after they killed. Different creatures have different limits, for some the limit is low, others the limit is high.

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Description: Credit to by X R F S X for making the spite. I made the song.

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Im not, good at noticing things...

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