"AfflictedTale Karma | I uh... Can`t really add the hand thing that the Sans, has to you`re own character Karma... So uh... Here... It`s the best I can really do with skeletons, that are about Sans... Since Papyrus, is very different... -Terrie

"AfflictedTale Karma | I uh... Can`t really add the hand thing that the Sans, has to you`re own character Karma... So uh... Here... It`s the best I can really do with skeletons, that are about Sans... Since Papyrus, is very different... -Terrie

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Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjoeb-G-Ol

CREATOR ID: 95be89
VIEWS: 111
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: -desummons all my attacks- done...judgement has been given...and terr...sure...i dont care...

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