(Cursed Kingdom ) LoveTale the MikuTale Sequel overworld Tenji Sprite

(Cursed Kingdom ) LoveTale the MikuTale Sequel overworld Tenji Sprite

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Description: LoveTale the MikuTale Sequel starts as an AT (Alternate Timeline) Of MikuTale... Staring Tenji And all the other MikuTale CHARActers ( ;D "ice" I "goat" you) as they fight off My Bad childhood (people he hated). also YES Tenji is based off of me. Nyanett is still in Love with Tenji: but the twist is that Tenji protects Nyanett more than care for her. (sorry I had to update the sprite because i forgot to revert the blue and grey to white) (Tenji appearance in the Cursed Kingdom)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 207
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: (Cursed Kingdom ) LoveTale the MikuTale Sequel overworld Tenji Sprite

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