I have my Chromebook, zoomed out to 33% for a bigger canvas... And I use the trackpad to zoom in and out, without changing the website`s zoom... And well with that I can scroll to the sides and whatnot... But due to this damn things Trackpad, it`s refusing to scroll LEFT, and at times it just refuses to scroll at all...

I have my Chromebook, zoomed out to 33% for a bigger canvas... And I use the trackpad to zoom in and out, without changing the website`s zoom... And well with that I can scroll to the sides and whatnot... But due to this damn things Trackpad, it`s refusing to scroll LEFT, and at times it just refuses to scroll at all...

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Description: Allan [Terrie]; Age: 18; Height: 8' 4; Weight: 40 kg; A dog-dragon hybrid with a feather'd tail, wished he was a cat instead; He's Swedish | Anti-Copy: Goopi made this |

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: That chat has slowed fucking massively, just outta nowhere. So I'm gonna just edit some of the sprites I have.

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