Like yeah, wooo... You can call somebody out for being somebody else and trying to play the good guy, or call a troller out for trying to act innocent and whatnot..... But clearly nobody even bothers to check the ID`s, and they made them in the way of our post and even THEN, nobody still even bats an eye, so they really should remove it.....

Like yeah, wooo... You can call somebody out for being somebody else and trying to play the good guy, or call a troller out for trying to act innocent and whatnot.....  But clearly nobody even bothers to check the ID`s, and they made them in the way of our post and even THEN, nobody still even bats an eye, so they really should remove it.....

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Description: Allan [Terrie]; Age: 18; Height: 8' 4; Weight: 40 kg; A dog-dragon hybrid with a feather'd tail, wished he was a cat instead; He's Swedish | Anti-Copy: Goopi made this |

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: That chat has slowed fucking massively, just outta nowhere. So I'm gonna just edit some of the sprites I have.

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