*she puts her fists out, aimed at Berith* God damnit, first you steal my food and now you've got lightning too? *an electric currant flows around her arms, launching a large lightning bolt at him*

*she puts her fists out, aimed at Berith* God damnit, first you steal my food and now you've got lightning too? *an electric currant flows around her arms, launching a large lightning bolt at him*

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Description: Edited and used by Lexi - Picrew for temporary use until an actual sprite is ever made: https://picrew.me/image_maker/188948 ----- Name: Arcade "Arc" Thunderbolt - Human - She/her - 18 - Born with the abilities to control, conjure and manipulate any form of lightning or electricity to her own will - Able to temporarily transform her physical body into pure electricity, though this takes a lot of energy - Naturally gained a slight ability to fly - Can be extremely dangerous considering her supernatural and physical attributes, but still only human - A loner, she doesn't speak to anyone often - Has a resting bitch face - Searching for her long lost family after being separated from them

CREATOR ID: 8de716
AGE: 1 year old

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