Why in HEAVEN'S DOOR did I change my basic color? Guess it's based on my signature. - Said, Half n' Half Guy

Why in HEAVEN'S DOOR did I change my basic color? Guess it's based on my signature. - Said, Half n' Half Guy

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Description: During an argument, Half n' Half Guy, previously known as ALT!Sans, was scratched in the eye. It awakened his Stand, Eye of the Tiger. His eye pattern changes with his mood. With it, he can fire beams from his right eye, control the mood of a character, and alter the pattern of a previously known puzzle. That means, he is off-limited and can effortlessly beat all of Papyrus and his AU counterparts' puzzles. Before, when he was ALT!Sans, he could have control of time. But his frequency of usage is vanishing.

CREATOR ID: c948ed
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Sans V2.4

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