I constantly put other`s problems on my shoulders even if I act like I don`t give a shit, and now I need to go to therapy for this. I don`t this I can handle this tonight. I`m not trying to be dramatic, honestly, but any way this pans out I might sound like a dick. But I don`t want to deal with drama because it hurts me when it shouldn`t. Again, no matter how I say it, I`m no good with words so I`ll sound like an ass, but I`m just gonna go. Hopefully for a while. Probably not, since I still worry the shit out of every big person here.

I constantly put other`s problems on my shoulders even if I act like I don`t give a shit, and now I need to go to therapy for this. I don`t this I can handle this tonight. I`m not trying to be dramatic, honestly, but any way this pans out I might sound like a dick. But I don`t want to deal with drama because it hurts me when it shouldn`t. Again, no matter how I say it, I`m no good with words so I`ll sound like an ass, but I`m just gonna go. Hopefully for a while. Probably not, since I still worry the shit out of every big person here.

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Description: For anybody who bothers to read this, I'm not going to talk out of roleplay anymore. If you need something from me, you have to be with me. And I tend to avoid everybody, so it has to be important. Chris is one of the only exceptions for talking to them when they're OOC. Greyscale: When I'm depressed, feeling ignored, or don't like the current mood/atmosphere in PAM, I'll use greyscale, my silent way of saying I don't like it without getting hate.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Furry Boarder

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator