Well based on the wording of everything... It`s not really a joke yet... Knowing Foxlynn... Why would she put that there?... And in fairness... When it comes to that question... No not really, since we are still "animals"... Just thanks to how fucking "Smart" humans are we are forced to wear clothing... Unlike... Ooohhh I dunno EVERY FUCKING ANIMAL WE SEE IN THE WORLD DOESN'T WEAK ANY FUCKING CLOTHING!... We as a... Construct of atoms from over years of evolution once never wore any clothing... We only did it for warmth... We bred like animals now it takes to LONG to do that... Our "intelligence" is a hindrance of our "biological humanity"...

Well based on the wording of everything... It`s not really a joke yet... Knowing Foxlynn... Why would she put that there?... And in fairness... When it comes to that question... No not really, since we are still "animals"... Just thanks to how fucking "Smart" humans are we are forced to wear clothing... Unlike... Ooohhh I dunno EVERY FUCKING ANIMAL WE SEE IN THE WORLD DOESN'T WEAK ANY FUCKING CLOTHING!... We as a... Construct of atoms from over years of evolution once never wore any clothing... We only did it for warmth... We bred like animals now it takes to LONG to do that... Our "intelligence" is a hindrance of our "biological humanity"...

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Description: Credit - Gunther | Editor - Terrie | Stats: Hp: 15,000 - Def: 400,000 - Atk: 90,000 | Themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwYHN9GdBqw - https://youtu.be/qGpAVh2JGe4 [1]- https://youtu.be/mWSa5XKmO2Y [2]- https://youtu.be/7AeLdhkLMGU [3]- https://youtu.be/68k2Kxzvex8 [4]

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "Passive save...

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