When you are the sole reason of PAM being shit and you are unable to pick being defeated so you use any kind of defense you have to not lose the argument to the point of using fake people and finally you realize you have lost and your entire REP has been fucking ruined because of a box.

When you are the sole reason of PAM being shit and you are unable to pick being defeated so you use any kind of defense you have to not lose the argument to the point of using fake people and finally you realize you have lost and your entire REP has been fucking ruined because of a box.

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Description: Justin, the man behind Terrie, Alern and many others, a gay 16 YEAR OLD suffering from many things, with barely any friends Nicknames: Joel, Terrie, Jon[John], Alern and Joe

CREATOR ID: ba438c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Justin L. Orebaugh. - Allan.

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