Wait a Second...!

Wait a Second...!

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Description: Ha! You've fell into my trap! Well, now you have to be my friend! OOOH! are you offering a hug? Put it here pal!...oh it was a trap!...Heh heh....heh...I've taught you alot haven't I? how could you though...WAIT! I ...I remember now...you killed all the Puppeterians You evil little girl...Well looks like I'll have to Devour you...AGAIN!-Puppet Creds to Underpixel P.S. Changed the BAD MEMORY! Form so that it's different and Easier on this sprite!Also lore of Puppet!-Trenton

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 147
AGE: 6 years old
BASED ON: The puppet v.2

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator